"Playground 3 - 4” - Bucharest, 2006


The Battery 3-4 is part of an unremarkable row of military buildings surrounding Bucharest. Erected more than a century ago, today are either entirely abandoned, or adapted according to ‘interest’: a mushroom farm, a jail... One of the forts was used both as a radioactive dump for spent fuel rods from Magurele particle accelerator, as well as a green picnic place for Bucharest people. It’s been heard that the barbeque is tastier there and, who knows, one might use less fossil fuel to cook it! 

Once architecture of our childhood, these gloomy presences, hard to pinpoint without a map, can rather be found intuitively, by heart or by chance. Nature claims its rights, most of the abandoned forts being swalloed by woods or swamps. 

Even so, the Battery 3-4 is nowadays a private property and no longer our hidden playground as it used to be.

Images out of Velvia slides, some of them Lambda printed 180 x 120 cm